Manic Sun

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Solar Cycles and Spaceship Earth

Ice ages also correlate with magnetic activity on the Sun.

According to Mukul Sharma, Assistant Professor of Earth Sciences at Dartmouth, the Sun displays a 100,000-year cycle of magnetic activity that corresponds to the Earth's ice age history.

Sharma's calculations suggest that when the Sun is magnetically more active, the Earth experiences a warmer climate, and vice versa, when the Sun is magnetically less active, there is a glacial period. Right now, the Earth is in an interglacial period (between ice ages). This is also a time of high solar activity.

This cycle appears to match the 100,000-year ice-age cycle first theorized by Milutin Milankovitch, which suggests that ice ages correspond to the cyclical varations in the Earth's orbit around the Sun. (Earth & Planetary Science Ltrs, Vol. 199, issues 3-4, June 10, 2002)


(One of the methods Sharma used to determine historic magnetic activity on the Sun was through the study of berillium 10,

Disdain for the sun goes with a failure by the self-appointed greenhouse experts to keep up with inconvenient discoveries about how the solar variations control the climate. The sun’s brightness may change too little to account for the big swings in the climate. But more than 10 years have passed since Henrik Svensmark in Copenhagen first pointed out a much more powerful mechanism.

He saw from compilations of weather satellite data that cloudiness varies according to how many atomic particles are coming in from exploded stars. More cosmic rays, more clouds. The sun’s magnetic field bats away many of the cosmic rays, and its intensification during the 20th century meant fewer cosmic rays, fewer clouds, and a warmer world. On the other hand the Little Ice Age was chilly because the lazy sun let in more cosmic rays, leaving the world cloudier and gloomier.

The only trouble with Svensmark’s idea — apart from its being politically incorrect — was that meteorologists denied that cosmic rays could be involved in cloud formation. After long delays in scraping together the funds for an experiment, Svensmark and his small team at the Danish National Space Center hit the jackpot in the summer of 2005.

In a box of air in the basement, they were able to show that electrons set free by cosmic rays coming through the ceiling stitched together droplets of sulphuric acid and water. These are the building blocks for cloud condensation. But journal after journal declined to publish their report; the discovery finally appeared in the Proceedings of the Royal Society late last year.

Thanks to having written The Manic Sun, a book about Svensmark’s initial discovery published in 1997, I have been privileged to be on the inside track for reporting his struggles and successes since then. The outcome is a second book, The Chilling Stars, co-authored by the two of us and published next week by Icon books. We are not exaggerating, we believe, when we subtitle it “A new theory of climate change”.

Solar activity is completely predictable by weighing center of mass of
solar system againnst tidal force (a pseudoforce)  2012 will be very


"....In his report, Solar Activity: A Dominant Factor in Climate Dynamics, Dr. Theodor Landscheidt discusses that the distance of the nucleus of the Sun from the center of the mass of the solar system varies in an eleven-year cycle.  The centre of the mass of the solar system is a function of the distribution of the mass of the Sun and the planets, and as that distribution changes as the planets orbit around the Sun, the distance between the nucleus of the Sun and the center of the mass of the solar system is not constant and varies from one cycle to the next.  That causes variations in the rotational speed of the Sun.  In turn, that causes disturbances in the internal circulation of the Sun.
   Those disturbances manifest themselves in the form of sunspots and solar flares.  It is primarily the intensity of solar flares and eruptions, not so much the 11-year sunspot cycle, that is of concern.  Massive solar flares can be triggered and occur even during or near the minimum of the 11-year sunspot cycle, and  it can happen that none or few of the sunspots detected during the peak of the 11-year sunspot cycle are associated with very intense increases of solar radiation brought about by massive solar flares or eruptions.



"....In the Northern Hemisphere particularly, there is a (roughly) 1500-year solar-related warm/cold cycle right through the 10,000 years of the Holocene---of which the Roman Empire Warm Period, Dark Ages, Mediaeval Warm Period and Little Ice Age are the latest manifestations. Since the nadir of the Little Ice Age, the rebounding warm trend has been overprinted by a 50/70 year (again solar-related) cycle. The last cooling phase began in 1945, with renewed warming from the Great Pacific Climate Shift ..."


Maunder Minimum


the last time there was a big part of  planetary mass lined up with sun
and galactic center was in 1811 which was culmination of a period of
warm years.  the little ice age began shortly after, there was no 
in 1816 and no crops either.
thats what will happen this time .  we will see a brief respite in
global warming from about 2012 to 2015 and a worsening from now to 2011
we should be at minimum right now  (2007), and we are, but
the minimum isnt lasting- last three months have been
going straight up again meaning lots of warming in
next cycle peaking in 2011
the planets are all in winter signs, ie. in north
hemisphere winter earth is on one side of sun all
other, big, planets on other side. this one is also
lined up for solstices and galactic nucleus.  n
hemisphere hot and rainy south hemisphere hot and dry
the circular current in NE  pacific will probably
stretch from juneau to siberia which will warm things
up -



the sun has rings like saturns but very thin and made
of fine dust. this was discovered in 1980 and mostly
ignored as not real significant.

on the gif: at extreeme left is 2007 AD at right is
120000 BC

the line is global temperature as represented by
oxygen 18

the trough at left is the bottom of last ice age just
before rapid pleistocene warmup.

this 100000 year graph has been precisely repeated 9
times and is an effect of our passage through a spiral
arm which has lots of stars and lots of cosmic rays
but not a lot of dust. we are now out of the spiral
arm and are no longer doomed to ice. its like the
warm situation 10 million years ago IF we can just
sneak a little farther into the clear with out a
finale ice age.

the earths orbital inclination pushes us ABOVE or
BELOW the solar dust ring every 100000 years
(average)due to being squoze by the orbits of jupiter
and venus

the last time was 12500 bc-pleistocene warm up

its over. we moved back into the beginning of dust
layer about a century ago. we are not living on a
snowball because we are A j-u-u-u-s-t free of the
spiral arm AND the industrial revolution spewed a lot
of greenhouse gas.

we are in NO danger of runaway global warming. we are
just passed -by a few years- the threat of instant
freeze up, which could still happen. before long we
will have to reign in greenhouse emissions, though,
and we need to get tools in place

the relative additions and subtractions of dust,
clouds, and cosmic rays are complex to analyze and
there is no need; oxygen 18 is the answer to that, and
the RESULT; we already have the needed answer, so
question of cloud-dust-cosrays is moot for present purposes




What's New with My Subject?

Glacial Ages on leaving Spiral Arms.